Featured Logo Design ProjectsWe help you create bold logos that distinguish your business and raise brand awareness. A beautiful logo can attract more clients consistently.

LGM Pharma
LGM Pharma is an innovation-driven API company, involved in distribution of quality cGMP pharma ingredients

Cigars Near Me Branding
An Interactive Site for a Niche Community Cigars Near Me is a search tool that

Study Bridge Branding
StudyBridge provides private tutoring services for academic tests and subjects for grades K-12. At StudyBridge,
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Logo Design ProcessPrecision and personality. These are the driving forces behind every logo design.
OptionsThe first step in achieving the perfect logo is to choose from an assortment of options that our designers curate especially for you. Understand your desires y reviewing over 20 stylistic choices.

Cloud CreatorNext, your designer will aggregate adjectives from Phase 1 into a word cloud, so you can visualize the key values of your brand, leading to the foundational concepts from which our team will craft a logo.

DraftingDesigners will start creating illustrations of your logo with handmade sketches based on the ideas your logo will represent. Several variations will be created to create a range of choices.

Design ReviewYour logo will undergo an in-depth review from the NNC Infotech design team. Every member will lend a pair of eyes to critique the images for integrity and design standards. This thorough review targets the best designs from the first draft.

First PresentationNow it’s time for you to see what your team has worked on. You’ll review 3-5 logo designs in simple black and white and provide feedback on these initial graphics. After the client presentation, we make any necessary adjustments or changes.

Adding ColorColor represents who you are and extends the message your logo communicates. Once you’ve decided on a final image, we carefully test colors and identify tones that will illustrate the mood of your business.

Your New LogoAfter hours of dedication, correspondence and experimentation, you receive a finalized logo that perfectly exhibits your brand. The hard part is over and a stunning new logo is now yours!

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